March 1, 2011

Mulan Jameela Hot Gossip

Mulan Jameela Pregnancy Dani ?

Jakarta in September 2010, rumors circulating for Mulan Jameela pregnant. Since then, Mulan began to escape the media spotlight. Is it true that pregnant Mulan?
Until now there has been no reply from the concerned about that. In fact, management was reluctant to give his comments Mulan. The manager, Mira is only revealed when Mulan is busy touring outside the city.
"Biarin aja. Whatever people want to say anything. EGP," said the manager of Mulan, Mira detikhot when contacted by phone some time ago.
So even with the boss of the Republic of Love Ahmad Dhani. Dhani Mulan revealed that it was hidden until April. The plan, Mulan will release a new album in the month.
Gossip Mulan pregnant had subsided, until finally a China Town community media containing photographs of singers 'creatures of God the Most Sexy' was in action at Sun City, Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta. In the photographs, Mulan stomach looks bloated like a pregnant woman.
Swift reporting on the pregnancy seemed to make Dhani Mulan slightly hooked. Moreover, the former wife of Dhani, Maia had time to cast innuendo that Dhani is busy taking care of the pregnant again.
"Yes for my wife pregnant again, hopefully given hamilnya smooth," said Dhani when appearing on air on the show 'Strikes', on Thursday (02/03/2011).

What is the origin nyeletuk Dhani only? Or, deliberately to provoke gossip? During this time, dedengkot band Dewa 19 was indeed a hobby out of the controversial comments.

So, how do you think? Do you have an answer?

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